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You are: home > Opthalmic cautery pencils

Disposable and reusable bipolar pencils for cautery

Reusable Kirwan bipolar pencils for pinpoint coagulation of delicate tissue structures.

The pencils are designed for pinpoint haemostasis in delicate tissue structures. The coagulation area is restricted to the space between the two elements in the tip, and so permits discrete coagulation without excessive damage to peripheral tissue. The seamless design provides electrical insulation, and the knurled finish gives a secure non slip grip. Indicator on the handle shows tip orientation. Solid, single piece injection moulding, eliminates the risk of fluid ingress.

As a guide the 94R-7000-12, and 94R-7002-12 are used in cataract surgery. The 94R-7010-12 Widestroke are used on the eye surface for coagulating small blood vessels (cataract procedures). The 23GA and 25GA pensils are used in vitreoretinal surgery. With the 23GA and 25GA pencils the wound is so small that it is self sealing. Pencils are latex free and CE marked.

Reusable bipolar pencils - Disposable pencils are also available - see below reusable.


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94R-7000-12 18GA, reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight Tip shape 14-7000
18GA, reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight
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94R-7002-12 18GA, reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, curved 18GA non stick bipolar opthalmic pencil curved
18GA, reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, curved
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94R-7010-12 18GA, WIDESTROKE reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight 18GA widestroke non-stick bipolar pencil straight
18GA, WIDESTROKE reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight
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94R-7006-12 20GA, reusable bipolar pencil straight 18GA, non stick bipolar pencil straight
20GA, reusable bipolar pencil straight
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94R-7008-12 23GA, reusable bipolar pencil, tapered tip sharp 20Ga tapered to 23GA bipolar opthalmic pencil
Reusable bipolar pencil, 20GA tapered to 23GA, tapered tip sharp
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94R-7009-12 23GA, reusable bipolar pencil, tapered tip sharp blunt pointed tip close up of opthalmic pencil
Reusable bipolar pencil, 20GA tapered to 23GA, tapered blunt
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Disposable bipolar opthalmic pencils

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94D-5000-12 18GA, reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight Tip shape 14-7000
18GA, disposable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight
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94D-5002-12 18GA, reusable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight 18GA non stick bipolar opthalmic pencil curved
18GA, disposable non-stick bipolar pencil, curved
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94D-5010-12 disposable widestroke bipolar pencil 18GA widestroke non-stick bipolar pencil straight
18GA, WIDESTROKE disposable non-stick bipolar pencil, straight
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Bipolar pencil, 20GA to 23GA tapered disposable 20Ga tapered to 23GA bipolar opthalmic pencil
Disposable bipolar pencil, 20GA tapered to 23GA, tapered tip sharp
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94D-5009-12 20GA to 23GA bipolar pencil tapered blunt blunt pointed tip close up of opthalmic pencil
Disposable bipolar pencil, 20GA tapered to 23GA, tapered blunt
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94D-5011-12 25GA bipolar pencil, disposable  
  Disposable bipolar pencil, 25GA  
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Reusable pencils are sold individually where as disposables come in boxes of 10. Disposable cables are available in boxes of 10, product code 94D-4001V-12 suitable for machines with 29mm pin spacing (Valleylab, Bowa etc.).


Reusable cables are also available from the bipolar cable page, with instrument fitting 72 or 72A..


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Unit 27, 865 Ringwood Road,
Bournemouth, Dorset.
BH11 8LL
Tel:+44(0) 1202 581645
Fax:+44(0) 1202 593824


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