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Monopolar / diathermy cables

Monopolar forceps

Diathermy accessories

Handswitches / Fingerswitches

Handswitch electrodes

Micro dissection electrodes

Monopolar laparoscopy

Monopolar Orbitaris laparoscopic instrument

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Bipolar cables

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Bipolar forceps - Overview

Claris+ Nonstick bipolar forceps-NEW

Standard Bipolar forceps

Irrigated bipolar forceps

Titanium bipolar forceps

Claris Non stick bipolar forceps

TC bipolar bipolar forceps

Disposable bipolar forceps

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Bitech bipolar scissors

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Laparoscopy instruments all

Bipolar Laparoscopy POWERGRIP MICRO 3mm - NEW

Bipolar Laparoscopy POWEREDGE - NEW

Bipolar Laparoscopy Slimline

Bipolar Laparoscopy Modular

Bipolar Laparoscopy Powergrip

Bipolar Laparoscopy Orbitaris

Bipolar MIS electrodes

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Bipolar Coagulation pencil - opthalmic

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Microdome 2mm Bipolar Coagulation MIS instruments

Bipolar stitch electrodes and scanning electrodes / Binner electrodes for ENT

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Fibrelight cables

Proctoscope fingers / adaptors

Liquid light cables

Halogen / Xenon / LED light sources

Headlight systems

Camera systems

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Sterilisation trays

Care Rack sterilisation trays

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You are: home > laparoscopy home > Slimiline bipolar laparoscopy

Slimline 3mmØ Bipolar Laparoscopy Instruments


Slimline title picture showing size to match head comparison ring handle and standard handle

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Slimline Bipolar Laparoscopy Coagulation Instruments

Reusable instruments for use in laparoscopy with a shaft diameter of 3mmØ, intended to be used for fine coagulation of tissue and small vessels.

Generator: This instrument has been designed for connection to the bipolar output of electrosurgical generators.

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Standard bipolar cable for slimline hooks

Slimline Bipolar Micro-Coagulation Forceps

The Slimline Micro-Coagulation Forceps can be easily detached for cleaning. The electrode inserts can be exchanged for different applications.

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Rippled bar slimline laparoscopy electrode

Slimline 3mm Ø bipolar laparoscopy electrode - Rippled Bar


Fluted slimline bipolar laparoscopy 3mm electrode

3mm Ø bipolar laparoscopy electrode - Fluted tip


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Rigid Slimline 3mm Ø laparoscopy electrodes

Slimline rigid bipolar laparoscopy electrode

Slimline 3mm bipo0lar laparoscopy electrode angled

Slimline Bipolar Laparoscopy Hooks and Needles

Different bipolar hook electrodes and a delicate needle electrode provide the ability of both, a standard coagulation and a stitch coagulation. Connection can be made with a standard bipolar forceps cable.

Cable connectors for slimline

Slimline 3mm electrodes, no handle required

Needle electrode rigid 3mm Ø


V-hook rigid 3mm Ø bipolar laparoscopy electrode


L-hook rigid needle electrode


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Description Part Numbers
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Slimline Bipolar Micro-Coagulation Forceps 3mm consisting of forceps body, tube, tube guide, Working Length 34cm without electrode insert  
With standard handle 94SL-85530000
With ring handle 94SL-85530001
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Slimline Electrode Insert for SLIMLINE Bipolar Micro-Coagulation Forceps 3mm  
2 x 4mm pins 94SL-85530100
Block fitting, 2 x 4mm pins 94SL-85530101
Aesculap / Martin plug 94SL-85530102
ERBE plug / Old Downs 94SL-85530103
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Rigid Slimline Bipolar Hooks and Needles 3mmØ Working length 34cm, to be used with standard block fitting bipolar cables  
Bipolar 3mm bipolar laparoscopy rigid L-Hook 94SL-85630200
Bipolar 3mm bipolar laparoscopy rigid V-Hook 94SL-85630700
Bipolar 3mm bipolar laparoscopy rigid Needle 94SL-85630600
Bipolar 3mm bipolar laparoscopy rigid L-Hook angled shaft 94SL-85630201
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Unit 27, 865 Ringwood Road,
Bournemouth, Dorset.
BH11 8LL
Tel:+44(0) 1202 581645
Fax:+44(0) 1202 593824


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