Navigation Clearance & special offers - NEW OFFER Monopolar Orbitaris laparoscopic instrument
Claris+ Nonstick bipolar forceps-NEW Claris Non stick bipolar forceps Bipolar Laparoscopy POWERGRIP MICRO 3mm - NEW Bipolar Laparoscopy POWEREDGE - NEW Bipolar Coagulation pencil - opthalmic Microdome 2mm Bipolar Coagulation MIS instruments Bipolar stitch electrodes and scanning electrodes / Binner electrodes for ENT Proctoscope fingers / adaptors Halogen / Xenon / LED light sources Endoscopes - new Endoscopes - preowned & flexible |
Bipolar MIS reusable electrodes 5mm ØThe reusable bipolar coagulation electrodes for minimally invasive surgery enable the pinpoint and extensive coagulation of tissue. The optimum arrangement of the poles, and precise insulation between electrodes gives uniform coagulation results. Fitted with an ergonomic handle and shaft length of 34 cm (plus handle) and shaft diameter of 5 mm. The standard bipolar connector allows the operator to use a standard bipolar cable reducing costs. Automated wash at
upto 95°C
Also available is the L-hook in angled format: 94BE-85600201 Angle is approximately 30° from straight and just under 50mm in length A wide range of bipolar cables are available to go with the instrument: