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You are: home > Microdome 2mm bipolar coagulation electrodes

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Microdome Bipolar coagulation electrode for minimal access procedures / ENT, autoclavable, and max 250Vp.

Surgery is more and more frequently effected through minimal access points, either through trocar tubes or through natural body orices. This requires instruments which, on the one hand, have the necessary stability and, on the other hand, are sufficiently fine to ensure that the surgical areas are always visible despite of the small access.

In cases where bipolar forceps cannot be used e.g. for bipolar coagulation of diffusely bleeding areas in the nose, a new generation of electrodes have been developed with a shaft diameter of only two mm.

Microdome electrodes enable the surgeon to cauterise bleeding in an effective and safe way even in the smallest cavities.

An example of its sucessful use by professor Prof. Or. med. T. Kretschmer:

"I have had the opportunity to continue testing the Microdome coagulation electrode made available by your company. After modifying the settings in accordance with your recommendations, working with this electrode is now very convenient. In practice, I use it for coagulation of the dura during transnasal / transsphenoidal hypophysis operations. For this application, the electrode works very reliably and is very practical due to its bayonet-type and slender design..."

A full copy of the statement can be supplied on request.

The electrode can be seen in action:

This instrument is very good at stopping bleeding in the nose, for example during epistaxis or in transnasal surgery.


Rounded bipolar Microdome tip

Figure 1.

The rounded cupola tip aids insertion into the surgical area and by using bipolar technology, the application of a neutral electrode is not required.

The ergonomic handle is equipped with a standard at plug connection that can be used with common bipolar cables to nearly all high-frequency generators. The instrument can be cleaned easily as it does not have to be dismantled, and is completely reusable; as a result the costs per use are low.

block fitting to electrode shown

Figure 2.

Standard European connector plug allows clinician to use with a wide range of generators via commonly used cables.

micromdome bipoalr coagulation tip during coagulation drawing

Figure 3.

The two electrical poles form a divided cupola on the working tip, (figure 1) so that when the bipolar coagulation current is activated, a coagulation area with a diameter of approximately 2.5 mm and a depth of approximately 0.5 mm is clearly defined (figure 3). The desired coagulation result is obtained at a very low generator power of about 10 watts so thermal damage to surrounding tissue is kept to a minimum.

Maleable shaft on 2mm bipolar microdomeFigure 4.

The Microdome coagulation electrodes are available in angular or bayonet forms. The design maintains the visibility of the surgical area by keeping the hand holding the instrument out of the line of sight and so safe working is ensured. Furthermore, a malleable electrode model is available which surgeons can bend themselves, so that individual adaptation of the instrument to particular anatomical features is possible (figure 4).

Microdome 2mm bipolar electrode bayonet

part 85620420 bayonet angled microdome electrode

Microdome 2mm bipolar electrode maleable shaft

137 autoclave symbol95 degree wash symbolvoltage 250V symbol

Maleable between the marks.

94MD-85620410 94MD-85620420 94MD-85620430
13 cm, from bayonet 13 cm from 20° angled 14 cm, maleable

Bipolar cables are available for most geneartors to the Microdome instrument. Instrument fitting "71".

You are: home > Microdome 2mm bipolar coagulation

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Unit 27, 865 Ringwood Road,
Bournemouth, Dorset.
BH11 8LL
Tel:+44(0) 1202 581645
Fax:+44(0) 1202 593824


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