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Clearance & special offers - NEW

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Monopolar / diathermy cables

Monopolar forceps

Diathermy accessories

Handswitches / Fingerswitches

Handswitch electrodes

Micro dissection electrodes

Monopolar laparoscopy

Monopolar Orbitaris laparoscopic instrument

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Bipolar cables

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Bipolar forceps - Overview

Claris+ Nonstick bipolar forceps-NEW

Standard Bipolar forceps

Irrigated bipolar forceps

Titanium bipolar forceps

Claris Non stick bipolar forceps

TC bipolar bipolar forceps

Disposable bipolar forceps

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Bitech bipolar scissors

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Laparoscopy instruments all

Bipolar Laparoscopy POWERGRIP MICRO 3mm - NEW

Bipolar Laparoscopy POWEREDGE - NEW

Bipolar Laparoscopy Slimline

Bipolar Laparoscopy Modular

Bipolar Laparoscopy Powergrip

Bipolar Laparoscopy Orbitaris

Bipolar MIS electrodes

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Bipolar Coagulation pencil - opthalmic

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Microdome 2mm Bipolar Coagulation MIS instruments

Bipolar stitch electrodes and scanning electrodes / Binner electrodes for ENT

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Fibrelight cables

Proctoscope fingers / adaptors

Liquid light cables

Halogen / Xenon / LED light sources

Headlight systems

Camera systems

Endoscopes - new

Endoscopes - preowned & flexible

Monitors / LCD displays

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Sterilisation trays

Care Rack sterilisation trays

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New Dimension Headlight for medical use

Fibre optic (fibrelight) headlight system recommended for connection to a xenon lightsource or high powered halogen / LED system.

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New Dimension fibrelight headlight side view
New Dimension fibrelight headlight front view
New Dimension "easy click" locking system
New dimension fibrelight headlight optics lowered
New dimension fibrelight headlight optics raised
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Direct focussing optics, with sharp homogenous illumination of the edges from 10mm Ø to 100mm Ø at a work distance of 250mm. The homogenous illumination produces an even light across the whole spot, no central bright spot.

Optics can be rotated between 0° and 180° horizontally, 45° to 90° vertically and height of the optic can be adjusted by 20mm.

Comfortable head mount has a low weight of 170 grams including optics, total weight approximately 350 grams.

Quick and “Easy Click” adjustment of head piece.

The fibrelight can be run to the left, right or centrally over the head.

The fibrelight bundle is 3.5mm Ø and 2300mm long, with high intensity fibres, has a hard wearing ATS casing and is tension resistant.

Supplied with one light source adapter of the customers’ choice (e.g. Storz, Olympus, Wolf, ACMI etc.)

Suitable for use with magnifying glasses.

Part number: 30-42180-10

Please contact us if you would like to try this device before you purchase. Tel: 01202 581645.

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Unit 27, 865 Ringwood Road,
Bournemouth, Dorset.
BH11 8LL
Tel:+44(0) 1202 581645
Fax:+44(0) 1202 593824


Registered in the UK 1368048