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Monopolar / diathermy cables

Monopolar forceps

Diathermy accessories

Handswitches / Fingerswitches

Micro disection electrodes

Monopolar laparoscopy

Monopolar Orbitaris laparoscopic instrument

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Bipolar cables

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Bipolar forceps - Overview

Standard Bipolar forceps

Irrigated bipolar forceps

Titanium bipolar forceps

Claris Non stick bipolar forceps

TC bipolar bipolar forceps

Disposable bipolar forceps

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Bitech bipolar scissors

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Laparoscopy instruments all

Bipolar Laparoscopy POWERGRIP MICRO 3mm - NEW

Bipolar Laparoscopy POWEREDGE - NEW

Bipolar Laparoscopy Slimline

Bipolar Laparoscopy Modular

Bipolar Laparoscopy Powergrip

Bipolar Laparoscopy Orbitaris

Bipolar MIS electrodes

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Bipolar Coagulation pencil - opthalmic

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Microdome 2mm Bipolar Coagulation MIS instrument

Bipolar stitch electrodes and scanning electrodes / Binner electrodes for ENT

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Fibrelight cables

Proctoscope fingers / adaptors

Liquid light cables

Halogen, Xenon, LED light sources

Headlight systems

Camera systems

.Endoscopes - new

Endoscopes - preowned & flexible

Monitors / LCD displays

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Sterilisation trays

Sterilisation care racks

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You are: home > light sources > hand held LED for endoscopes

Portable, hand held LED endoscope source, battery powered

Endoscope hand held led light  source

Handlamp for endoscopes

A new hand held LED lamp is available that connects directly to the scope for office use.

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Housing Silver Anodised
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Power 5 Watts
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Light control 50% / 70% 100% power
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Battery - rechargeable 2400 mAh
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12 hours at 70% power
3.5 hours at 100% power

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Connections supplied Storz or Wolf endoscopes
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Luminance 32,000 - 56,000 lux
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Colour temperature 5,800°K
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Package contains Case
Power supply
LED lighting unit
Adaptors (Storz, Wolf)
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Hand held led endoscope light package, charger, extra connections etc.
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Part number 30-42861-10
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Other light source links:

Halogen Xenon sources Xenon with LED backup
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Xenon compact LED LED Hand Held Portable

You are: home > light sources > hand held LED for endoscopes

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Unit 27, 865 Ringwood Road,
Bournemouth, Dorset.
BH11 8LL
Tel:+44(0) 1202 581645
Fax:+44(0) 1202 593824


Registered in the UK 1368048